Carolin Paredes


Support Carolin Paredes - RTS Missions

Service Areas: Jimani

Ministry Areas:  Director, Discipleship and Media

Hi, I'm Carolin Paredes.

I was born in a Christian home in Santo Domingo, despite this I have spent most of my life outside of Santo Domingo, my father is a Pastor, so since I was little I have always been taught about Jesus.

When I was 14 years old I recognized my situation as a sinner and gave my life to Jesus; At that time I lived in Jimaní, where I discovered the love I felt for working with children.

A few years ago I started working with His Kids, a program belonging to RTS Missions, where we work in 4 areas with the children we have been reaching, the spiritual area, the emotional area, the physical area and education.

In this program, together with some incredible Children's Advocates and RTS Missions, we have managed to reach more than 130 children to whom we have shown Jesus' love, and give them nutrional food every week.

We have also focused on helping those children who do not have access to education, through reading, writing, mathematics and English, impacting many children.

Likewise, together with the His Kids project we have reached children in educational centers where we have planned to provide a safe space for each of those children to whom we talk about Jesus.

I love reading the Bible, history, listening to podcasts, philosophy, being active, altruistic work, learning new things and above all sharing the message of the transforming Jesus that I have known.

I am a student of Child Psychology, so I enjoy applying all the knowledge I learn to the children around me.

Some time ago I moved from Jimaní to Sabana de la Mar where we have continued working with the His Kids project to continue reaching more children, adolescents and Youth for the Lord.

I love the work that RTS Missions is doing on the island where I live, and I love even more the fact that by the grace of God I can be a part of it.

Just as water reflects the face, so the heart of man reflects man. Proverbs 27:19. 🤍


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