Chad and Amy Tardie

Chad and Amy Tardie

Support Carolin Paredes - RTS Missions

Service Areas: Jimani

Ministry Areas:  Ministry Directors

Hello, We are the Tardies. Chad, Amy, and our 2 children Devon (20) and Alanna (17) who is in her senior year in high school. Born and raised in Maine, Amy and I got married in 2002. At that point of our lives, we went to church, went through the motions of being Christian, but we honestly were lacking in true devotion to Christ. I suffered a terrible accident when Devon was only 6 months old. That was a really difficult time for our marriage and our walk with God. After 2 years of multiple surgeries and tons of rehab, Amy and I at best were roommates. Amy began to read her Bible, praying for our marriage and family, until slowly God began to work in my heart. That’s when He lifted the root of bitterness, anger and hurt from my heart and eyes, and I saw God for who he is, King of my heart. Our lives together had truly begun. 


Fast forward to December 2012 when God brought our family to Florida. We’ve been involved in many different ministries within the church, growing our family in so many different ways. Locally we’ve been involved in church leadership, marriage ministry, hospitality, leading young adults, and a few others. Devon was able to do an internship 2 years ago with Calvary Chapel Greater Portland, a dear church of our family. Since then he has a heart of teaching and discipleship with teens, while taking online seminary courses. Alanna has found a few different areas to serve as well. She watches little ones so moms can meet together and build strong community around Christ and she helps keep our congregation caffeinated up on Sunday mornings. 


We had gotten to know Greg and Maria Shepherd and about RTS missions, and we offered to have a dessert and coffee at our house to hear about the mission and what they were doing . We invited friends and family over so they could listen about it and ask questions. We were looking for people who would be interested with getting involved with RTS. It wasn’t really for our family as we always had other things going on and excuses of why we couldn’t go. Then Alanna said she was interested in going on a short term trip to Jimani, Dominican Republic. Amy and I thought as parents, we couldn’t let her go to another country without us, so we signed up to go with her. Little did we know that again, God was going to grab our hearts and our attention to serve, but not where we’ve been comfortable all these years, but across the sea. With lots of prayer, guidance, and surrendering to God, He has called us to be a part of His ministry in Jimani as missionaries. Through a few short term trips there, God pricked our hearts for the people there to help Reach them where they’re at, Teach them about the only true hope in Christ, and to Send them into their own communities to do the same. As Christs family, we have all been commissioned to go share the gospel. Go in our homes, go in our communities, go in our cities, just go into all the world. For our family, it just happens that God is calling us to Jimani. 


Romans 10:14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?


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